
How we work

We know what is required and provide clear instructions and precise words.

We know when and how to intervene and make decisions based on knowledge!

We know the rules and the terminology, so with us on your side, everything will run far more smoothly. If you don't know the rules, you can't play the "utility game".

Construction site


What we offer

  • On site project management
  • Infrastructure master planning
  • New service connections
  • Surveys
  • Pre-planning or land purchase
  • Energy management


Areas of expertise

Theodolite icon

On site project management

- Trial hole procurement and assessment    with detailed utility report and drawings
- Diversion management
- Section 278 utility guidance &    management
- Stakeholder liaison
- Meter call off & installation   management              
- Constraint planning
- Utility sequencing & programming
- Sewer adoption and requisition    S104/185 facilitation
- Day to day onsite management and    DTM attendance

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Infrastructure master planning

- Local Authority liaison and advice
- Align development phasing with utility   company invest plans
- Support and enable low carbon,   sustainable development
- Advise on utility company legal rights   and asset removal free of charge
- Liaison with utility companies for   planned reinforcement works

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New service connections

- Competitive tender of utility services
- Maximise rebates and asset value
- Load calculation advice - determining   accurate loads
- External utility route planning across   developments and public highways
- Utility spatial design within riser   cupboards and buildings
- Street lighting design and procurement
- Service and meter entry points
- Combined Service Drawings (CSD)
- Internal riser design and drawing    layouts - spatial design ensuring    regulations are met

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- Electro Magnetic Field (EMF)  
- Sewer line and level surveying including   CCTV
- Low Frequency Noise
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) - 2D &   3D - PAS 128
- Trial holes utility report

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Pre-planning or land purchase

- Feasibility studies  
- Statutory Undertaker / Utility company   network plans
- Easement and Legal wayleaves review   and advice on removal
- Capacity checks
- Utility budget costs
- Asset Value and rebate advice
- Offsite reinforcement risks
- Grampian planning condition challenges - Load assessments
- Diversion necessity and guidance
- Temporary Building Supplies (TBS)
- Existing Service Drawings (ESD)
- Route proving
- Sewer build over agreements
- Building Network Operator (BNO) advice
- Drainage advise and London plan SUD’s    requirements
- Private vs public sewer impact

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Energy management

- Supply contract and energy tendering
- Competitive meter procurement and    fitting  
- Triad avoidance
- Short Term Operating Reserve - STOR
- G59 regulatory management/export   design
- PV and Generation


Why choose us?

01. High quality

Our skilled project managers provide technical engineering assistance to design teams.

02. Reputation

We're well respected within the industry and understand the challenges of working with utilities. We support our clients at every step, minimising the costs and programme risk. With an expert on your side the utility procurement will run more smoothly.

03. Well-connected

We're well-connected specialists who have a comprehensive knowledge across all utilities and over 30+ years of experience.

04. Knowledge

We have comprehensive knowledge of utility policies, as well as regulatory and technical requirements.

Contact us

Are you looking for a utility infrastructure planning and project management consultancy in London?
Let's talk!